Friday, 29 May 2015

Are you a female or a woman

My mind has been seriously active again for some days. However, it has experienced some form of cohesiveness and structure. It has also chosen to take a dimension of analyzing, praise ascribing and generally making comments about the FEMALE gender.

My boss once said : The world is filled with FEMALES but devoid of WOMEN. Deep talk. I stood for days trying to understand what this means but lo and behold after various interactions, experiences and readings. I have come to a full understanding of the deep talk.

Chilling in the office waiting for system upgrade and repairs whilst watching the democracy day, my mind pondered again and kept wandering as I saw the joy on the face of certain great women.

Having read about the First Ladies of the President and Vice President , I have derived some lessons which i think our modern day women/females should imbibe
- You need to stay humble
- You must stay focused and 
- ALWAYS respect your men

You cant help but give kudos to Mrs Osinbajo and Hajia Aisha Buhari for standing by their husbands. #GreatWomen. I make bold to say my last statement considering we are in a world that WOMEN are fighting to be MEN but MEN are only fighting for DOMINANCE as MEN. Now where is the problem from? uhmmmm I surely have an answer but what is your own view and answer...

I believe women are stronger, more intelligent and more determined than men. The women who stand out don't let this get into their heads. A woman who sees herself smarter than her man and everyone around and decides to exercise this power/intelligence and strength would end up sad/miserable e.g. the last administration. ( this my mind can sub people sha). Anyways, I didn't mention names..

..... pause I sense you are already filling the gap for names that qualify . lol

A highly opinionated woman cant but bring reproach 2 herself , the society and husband in the long run. Live examples exist in the immediate past administration. You this mind. You are on your own with all these subs.  Anyways let me state some obvious facts and possibly lessons from interactions with various men.

No man deserves to be trusted but MEN deserve respect and benefit of Doubt. Now what does this even mean sef? Question upon question exists on this alone.
A man that puts food on your table, buys you gifts, allows your decisions to stand most deserves at least a little regard and respect

Now to time travelling, my mind can travel dont forget. I remember my days of been a socialite, you see married men and single guys behaving any how. My findings then and even now is that an average wayward man became like that because of a female gender. As a matter of figures, I believe that over 50% would be attributed to EGO destruction effected by a woman . Females/Women are indeed very strong..... Coming back from the time travelling, no one should put all blame on the women/female gender because you have a right to act appropriately despite all.

I have met with men and also share in the view that - Every man wants to return home to a wife and not a BOSS. So are you the boss in the home? If yes, you better start allowing your husband feel like the boss... Mark my words "feel".... This is because a really wise Woman would be the boss in the background.

The EGO of a man is the greatest weapon of control . You rubbish it and everyone is miserable but you rub/massage it and its maximum bliss. So you better find a way to manage your mans ego. Indeed, I have witnessed the abuse of very many MEN in this generation. 

My conclusion is I miss the true mothers that raised some of us in this generation and can only hope the mostly female gender can become Women.

The question you need to ask yourself is Are you a Female or a Woman? I hope my mind has been able to communicate and make you consider your actions and ways. Please ask the right questions and take necessary actions.

Till the next time when my mind shares its thoughts, stay refreshed....

Thursday, 2 April 2015

my 21 lessons from the election

My mind has been super active for a while. the things on the mind are lessons from the election.

I have chosen to share lessons I picked from the electioneering process.  It is pertinent for us as individuals to learn lessons from situations from events/ happenings. Find below the lessons I (@tolmega01) have learnt, feel free to share yours.

1.       Image building is essential for development and success
2.       Celebrate your successes because there would come a time you would be asked and it might be too late
3.       Keep your records clean and intact.
4.       Propaganda would always exist, your reaction determines your glory or downfall
5.       Never rush your responses to allegations, pay attention to details and react appropriately
6.       Integrity and character transcends generations
7.       To be an achiever, you need to align with right minds
8.       A special celebration of success comes when you have failed a lot of times and u finally succeed.
9.       A situation room is important for orderliness of thought, actions and results
10.   Your popularity can be enhanced by your detractors/opponents
11.   When distractions come from opposition, stay focused to your objective
12.   Strategy is essential for success
13.   Everyone needs support (God and people)
14.   Delay isn't denial. Never give up but approach things with a different style each time
15.   A system you built/ sustained can be used against you at a later time. Therefore, make things right
16.   Intellect super cedes mediocrity.
17.   The powerful/dominant can become the defensive/recessive
18.   Never underestimate the power of a seeming opposition.
19.   Money needs to be channeled rightly to get maximum result.
20.   Change is inevitable in life.

21.   It takes a group of people to define history. 

Monday, 5 January 2015

It is a New year

It’s a new year and I am in the reflective mode. My mind has been on thanksgiving /stock taking mode since the beginning of December 2014 till date.

Pause …………..

2014 was such an eventful year. Negatives, positives, the usual and in short victories and testimonies. Some of the testimonies are:

Journey mercies on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Abeokuta and even protection during the air travels throughout the year for myself, wife and our family members. On this same death traps called road, I have seen and heard about lives lost but God was gracious enough to protect and keep us. The air flights nko, planes missing and crashed, in all God was good and he kept us.

Preservation of my life, my wife (big smile). Yes you heard me right, my wife - another testimony that happened within the year. I got married to an Angel (winks).

Various celebrations in the family – weddings, expansions, promotions, transformations, job change, miracles unexplainable etc.

I am also very grateful for the achievements as well as the failures of 2014. Indeed 2014 was a special year.

Pause …………..

I remember making some resolutions last year. I did well with them though but this year I have chosen to do it differently. I have only one resolution. I am sure you are wondering whether I would say things such as: I would stop drinking, I would go to more parties this year, I would make more money, etc .

Pause …………..
I have realized the truth about resolutions especially when it is a long list. You end up not achieving them. My resolution for 2015 is therefore simply put to be HAPPY everyday no matter what life throws at me.

Now to the cheeky part, to be happy I have to be in good health, family life has to be on point, my spiritual standing needs to be better, need to make more money etc …..Am sure you can now see that the bottom line of the various resolutions made is to be happy. This is exactly what I am going to do.
To do this I am undergoing goal setting which must be measurable and would ENSURE ALL THROUGH THIS YEAR I DAILY COUNT MY BLESSINGS and REMAIN HAPPY.

I implore you to do same.

I didn’t intend to make this a long article because I just wanted to WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR which has come to give us a fresh hope for a brighter future.

Pause ………….. Chei ….. My mind and it’s over working nature.

Below are my wishes for the New Year:
·        May all our dreams turn into reality and all our efforts turn into great achievements.
·        May the good times live on in our memories and may we learn lessons from the troubling times that will make us stronger and better than ever.
·        May the year 2015 be like a blank book that is waiting for our involvement to fill up its 365 pages with all the colors under the sun making it a vibrant addition to our life.
·        May the New Year 2015 give us loads of reasons to celebrate and have wonderful days that are filled with laughter and fun.

Happy New Year