Thursday, 7 February 2013


Music mode activated (Boy II Men things J J )\

Verse 1
I was lonely,
I needed someone, to see me threw,
I was at the, end of my rope,
I needed someone, to cut me lose
Then an angel, out of the blue,
Gave me the since that I, might make it through
And somehow I survived, with no rhyme or reason,
And now I know I'll make It,
Through the miracle of you

I know the Color Of Love,
(And It lives in side of you)
I know the color of truth,
(Its in the image of you)
If it comes for the heart, then you know that it’s true,
It will color your soul, like a rainbow
(Like a rainbow)
And the color of love, is in you

As a typical guy, I don’t really know verse 2 so I end up singing the chorus over and over again….. The interesting part of this song is when you put someone’s name in the part that refers to YOU…..

Pause …………..

The month of February has been tagged to be the month of “LOVE” …. It is funny how everything just has one connotation or the other in this world. One particular question I have always asked myself and I still ask myself is: Why single out a day for the show of love?
It would give me great pleasure to find an answer to this. Anyways, 

Valentine’s Day is a day I love to witness even though I have never really experienced the full display personally J J. I guess I always date girls who don’t believe in the show of serenren on a particular day. So by default, I tend to be the giver and not the receiver.  What is Valentine’s Day sef that the hype is always this ghen ghen (action movie soundtrack)? Every time this period comes, I get several people asking me: so what are you doing for Valentine’s Day? I am always tempted to say “To Live past that day of course” but I always soft-pedal and just answer “I don’t know yet”. It’s by the corner once again and I have started getting this question.

I chose to go online and find out about the day. Below are some of the shocking and interesting revelations about the day:
·         It is the 2nd most celebrated day in the world and its second to New Year’s Day.
·         The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
·         By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards 
·         Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid.

It is so important that it was referred to in the modern cliché Valentine's Day poem found in the collection of English nursery rhymes Gammer Gurton's Garland (1784):
The rose is red, the violet's blue,
The honey's sweet, and so are you.
Thou art my love and I am thine;
I drew thee to my Valentine:
The lot was cast and then I drew,
And Fortune said it shou’d be you

There are multiple views for and against it. Some see it as very important, some see it as a religious event so no noise about it, some see it as an avenue to make money, some see it as a chance to show off your man or woman, and some see it as entertainment.

The way you see it doesn’t really matter because it is a celebration that is loud and is here to stay. All you can do is to choose what to do with the day and how you deal with the environment.
As for me, I celebrate it when I can, but most of all, I love to enjoy the redness of the environment.

How would you spend it? Share with me and others lets enjoy the season.



  1. I wl spend d valentines day wt my 1 n only mega 01

  2. Replies
    1. I guess she still fancies u even with a wddn band...,lmao- u r toasted

  3. Imma share it with seems all these I-never-chop-girls r suddenly turning nice cos of the hampers they may receive. But I'll say go with the flow (give dem the banana and make dem chop till dem don yoo) then u can surprise dem by buying dem a cup cake and a card- afterall its the thought that counts. And if they frown at that they should go suck on a plugged boiling ring powered by a stepped-up transformer. From a tired black man

    1. Olawale u have not changd 1 beat at all

  4. K il giv u a clue. Rmb friday in vi rockings til ogudu

  5. Tolu is obviously 'in love'
