I sit in my world and reflect on the year and my journey so far .
Pause …………..

I was also wondering what the world would be without a place u call home, without family, without friends and without loved ones then i realized it would be like walking through the jungle without a plan when all u feel is loneliness, fear, uncertainty ...... It was then i realized the importance of everyone.
The year has been so eventful and filled with great things and people I dedicate this note to everyone who has in one way or the other being influential to my joy and happiness all through the years and especially this year.......... I SAY A VERY BIG THANK YOU .
To the ones i call my pillar---------My wife (QueenBee) thanks for saying "I do" despite my shortfalls and despite all still bearing my surname :), I am grateful ..... My father(baba Megbo), i say thank you and words cant just express my gratefulness to u. My mother(mama megbo)---u are too much, there is no mother like u "Iya ni Wura"........"Olu orun ma pa iya milekun" Thank you mama.,, Oreoluwa (ajiks baby/small girl)...much love to you, you have been a confidant and source of strength are too much........Dotun (My Bro and in law)... thanks for coming to ask for Ajiks hand in marriage and welcome to the family.
To my friends and extended family, i just don't know what i have done to deserve you all....In my trying times, through thick and thin, you were there for me, when all hope was lost u gave me directions, when i needed a shoulder to rest on you were there as shoulders to rest on..............When it seemed like i was lonely you were companions, when i was bored, u gave me fun........................... I LOVE YOU ALL.
If i start to mention names, I wont end this write up. But YOU , YOU AND YOU that has been there through words, actions, prayers, financial support etc..,,,....... in short as long as you know me then be sure I AM SAYING A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU.... and I hope we would all be there for ourselves forever..
To my colleagues at various places have worked this year, you guys have been too much .... Some I have just met and you are already so close and am amazed at the way most have transformed from colleagues to friends and in some cases brothers/sisters .... my various Ogas i throway salute.
At this point i should drop the pen .....in this case its to stop typing jor and on that note I say to my french speaking friends MERCI, to my English speaking friends THANK YOU, to the Spanish speaking ones i say GRACIAS........foreign language that i know translation of thank you has finished
Anyways, I cant speak all foreign languages and not say thank you in my local languages : DALU, NAGODE, ESE PUPO... Using 2 baba's lines/lyrics OBRIGADO, DANKESO, ASANTTE-SANA, NGATENGA, SIYABONGA
It's a good thing to always give thanks. 2014 went by so fast but still hv every reason to be thankful.