" Hakuna matata" …… means no worry
The thought of the title (hakuna matata) for this was quite a challenge but after
deciding on the title, the usual smile on my face J reappeared …….Am guessing you
think I have all d problems of this life and I seem to bone my face steady …
hell no … just a worried individual like you …..You probably would never know
anything is wrong with me……
The worry seems to overwhelm me most days and sends my mind
on a constant journey into the world of oblivion (too much grammar …. All I intend
to say is unconsciousness) …. I sometimes get worried to the point that I don’t
hear u when u talk beside me …it’s that bad ….
I have tried to occupy myself with a lot that seems to be
overwhelming ….. However I have learnt some lessons and I intend to share with
you the lessons and not the stories …..I can sense your “amebo” instincts …..
no gist jor …
Below is the list:-
A lot of things happen to people that
explanations cannot be given ….. But not to worry …. All would be well (the
most famous phrase ever spoken in this part of the world).-
Relationships don’t depend solely on love ……
they depend on a whole lot ranging from unspoken to spoken…..-
Not everyone you like, likes you in return or
would ever like you sef …… so quit trying to please people...-
You talk too much, you don’t talk at all, you
choose what u say …… people would always pick what they want to pick and draw
conclusions …… so just live your life …… YOLO ( You Only Live Once)-
The seeming smile on a face doesn’t mean total
happiness ….. Beneath every smile are other hidden emotions …..-
Don’t ever think all is well with someone …… your
kindness, empathy, support and words could mean recovery or destruction to
someone …… be nice.-
Family is the best thing that can happen to
anyone ….. I LOVE MINE …. They are always there during all situations( the good
, the bad, the ugly)-
Relationship …..Very deep thing …. I don’t seem
to understand just yet… hope to understand soon …. Don’t crucify me abeg …..-
Friends …. You really don’t know who your friend
is but you can know who u are friends with…… am sure a lot of people will
disagree with me…
Enough jor …. At this point I ask myself what have u seen in
this small life for u to advice …..
Or for you to even keep worrying……
The singing continues …… Hakuna Matata means no worry
I hope this doesn’t make me answer a lot of phone calls …. I
am in a perfect state of mind ….
Thanks for the concern ….. ;)*winks The mind keeps doing its thing….. Till next time …. Remember
don’t worry, Just give thanks
" yet another saturday "
his is probably an interesting start but also a quick reminder .......let me express the feeling I had when I came across this picture ......
In the composition of a group of friends and their minds "idsffaplwkmdfh" ( I Dey Scatter For Floor As Per Laff Wan Kill Me Die For Here) ..... mehn chei ... this is anoda crazy formulation based on the state of the mind .......

The torture I experience every saturday is unimaginable ..... a typical saturday starts like this : I wake up probably with a hang over from lack of sleep during the week or the need to make an early journey to my family home( not like i do this every saturday) ..... i can imagine the state of your mind on hearing hangover ..... its not what you think .... although i drink but i never get to the point of hangover... 
am sure my drinking friends understand what am talking about......
back to the gist ..... the Saturdays I dont have to travel are more peaceful than those I have to travel ..... i used the word peaceful cos travelling most times means there is a family occasion, a wedding to attend or just a general visit to my people ....... all the three above are always a source of worry due to the people I come across ...... not like I can do anything about it but mehn .....people can talk and ask questions....
If its a wedding or a family occasion, I hardly step out of the car before I start answering questions such as :
- Where is she ?
- If I mistakenly carry a lady, Is she the one ? Sorry to all the ladies that have gone to a family occasion with me ...... not like am a ladies man ooooo.... maybe if I was, I probably would be married .... I hope this particular line doesn't get me crucified . 

- When is the date ? etc
Am sure, some of you already feel am Methuselah ..... hell no I am a very young boy aspiring to be great 

.... and I mean the young in every sense of it ....
This constant situation has made me develop thick skin and turned me to a regular comedian / sometimes rude ( mostly in mind .... I say cant u just mind ur damn bizness a lot ) Thank God people cant hear whats going on in the mind ...this situation has increased my creativity because I have template answers to any question .....
Let me share some of my answers ...... Dont know who it might be useful for ....
When asked :
- Where is She ? She is a prefix given to an animal ....... but am sure the she u ar asking is somewhere very safe...... `
- Is she the one ? ( i.e. when I have lady that accompanied me) The answer to this depends on if the lady in question is single, married or in a relationship .....If in a serious relationship ... she is the one for someone I knw is the answer ..... If she is married , I speak yoruba and say " abokoku ma ni won " meaning she would die with her husband 
...... if she is single, many things are involved : beauty, brains, motive etc .... I keep the answers to this line of questioning till other times.... when am with a single girl and the question is asked ,..... my mind gets busy once again .... a title for later times .......
Am sure we all have our worries ..... and am sure for some of us this particular title - yet another saturday is paramount in our minds ....

The great belief is that one saturday soon .... my mind would change the title to this saturday, i dey marry..... Can I hear u say amen if you believe for me and for u too ....

........................................the titled series is back and continues ..........